I have a busy freelance business. Feature writing, voice work, on camera performance, video production, public speaking, media coaching.
-Contributing writer, Star Tribune Variety section
-Contributing writer, Next Avenue website
-Contributing writer, Minnesota Business magazine
-Producer, segment reporter, AMPERS radio
-On camera anchor, “Comcast Newsmakers.”
-On camera host, Twin Cities Public Television fundraising

-Radio anchor/producer and digital curator for BringMeTheNews
-On television, I’ve been a news reporter, investigative journalist and anchor, 11 years at WCCO-TV and before that, 9 years at KSTP-TV
-Previously worked at TV stations in Detroit, Dallas and Columbus
-On radio, I hosted a daily talk show for 7 years on Hubbard Radio’s FM107 and conceived, produced and hosted the Women’s Wellness Series, a quarterly live two hour broadcast focusing on health
Today, I work for myself, so I am employee-of-the-month every month at Kevynburger.com.